Human is "Social Animal", so it is obvious that human always looks for a relationships. The level and face of relations may change, but evryone needs relations. A relationship is nothing but just a giving a personal space to other in your space. often we see fight, hate, loneliness in relations. In my opinion it is not important that how you say that "I LOVE YOU", bt important is that how much you give to your relation.Any relation can be thought of a balanced composition of intimacy and independence. Wrong proportion of anything will lead to worst. All this proportion depends upon individual to individual. So be carefull to your relation. In my opinion there are three words which are much more important than most souted three words "I LOVE YOU"....and they are Truthfulllness Openness Faithfullness All three little words really matter, they create a honor system between the two person who are in relation. So friends, think over it, if u really wana make a good relation with anyone just be truth, open and faithfull. Good Luck for the best ever relation..God bless You.
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