Delay..means deadly..i wud like to say. delay create problems...always what ever the related object may be. Today i was attending a presentation by Professor Joseph i Arne. frm University of Catolognya Barsilona, Spain at my ReTIS lab(http://retis.sssup.it). Professor was giving overview about how to control a real system behavior in a expected manner. At the mean time he was addressing "delay"...... after listening his thought, my listening was delayed.... it went into another world. Here is what he said.. Delay creates a problem, it delays the execution of tasks running. In real time, it should not happen or try to avoid it. In general real time is system related to time frame directly, we are planning to over come delay, for tht time which already occured..this causes a lot of faliures in the systems like path finder, Coloumbia mission...air plane crashes & all.
After listening him i thought this happens to our real life very much. We do something, and when results are out we think a lot, why result was unexpected? why ? and we start thinking about how this happened. And we can see there was a delay..either in action, or either in feeling or thinking or realisation about the fact related to the problem we were trying to solve....thing already happend & then we are trying to overcome the real delay which causes the unexpected.. Wht a delay..which affected past & predicting future...if we can realise this delay soon before their arrival we could do miracles... just what some geat thinkers have already given...
"It's not efforts or inteligence or greatness of
mine...it's timming & willing. Doing right thing at right time.."
So i wish frm now onwards no more delays..if some..:( oh almighty god! help me, realising them before they arrive....
thats rite tiwariji,
i now i have to apply ur realtime control system theory to my laziness.
Sure Mr. Motivator, You see these things are common to us, just some lazy delays have created a lot of problems..!! thanks if you found it interesting!
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